美元指數(USDX,通過計算美元和對選定的一攬子貨幣的綜合的變化率,來衡量美元的強弱程度)走勢圖,美元指數編制之後的26年間,走強的過程只有7年,剩餘19年都是貶值的。從幅度上看,26年間,美元指數從129點到現在的78點,貶值幅度高達 40%。這意味著,美國實際債務的40%已經在不知不覺中“賴”掉了。不僅如此,因為國際大宗商品用美元計價和結算,所以美元貶值會使大宗商品價格暴漲,如此算來,美元債務的持有國所持有的美元儲備已經失去了遠遠高於40%的購買力。
美元貶值造成, 它國出口業者獲利衰退, 美國出口業者競爭力大增, 由於失業率高, 所以不怕通膨過高, 反而形成溫和通膨, 以美元計價的債物可因收入增加逐漸減少(或因扁值擺脫美債),
美國13.5萬億的債務大部分是由中國和其他國家持有的? 岡德拉奇指出﹐中國的持有美國債務在其中所佔的比例不到10%。美國的負債多半都是國內的債務:美國個人和機構持有42.1%﹐社保信托基金持有17.7%﹐軍隊退休基金持有6%﹐以及其他機構。
美元優勢 - 20120729
For years, allegedly serious people have been issuing dire warnings about the consequences of large budget deficits — deficits that are overwhelmingly the result of our ongoing economic crisis. In May 2009, Niall Ferguson of Harvard declared that the “tidal wave of debt issuance” would cause US interest rates to soar. In March 2011, Erskine Bowles, the co-chairman of President Obama’s ill-fated deficit commission, warned that unless action was taken on the deficit soon, “the markets will devastate us,” probably within two years. And so on.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the predicted fiscal crisis: instead of soaring, US borrowing costs have fallen to their lowest level in the nation’s history. And it’s not just America. At this point, every advanced country that borrows in its own currency is able to borrow very cheaply.
Investors are willing to pay more to buy “inflation-protected bonds" than the amount, adjusted for inflation, that the government will eventually pay in interest and principal.So investors are, in a sense, offering governments free money for the next 10 years; in fact, they’re willing to pay governments a modest fee for keeping their wealth safe.
One favorite is the claim that the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates artificially low by buying government bonds. But that theory was put to the test last summer when the Fed temporarily suspended bond purchases. Many people — including Bill Gross of the giant bond fund Pimco — predicted a rate spike. Nothing happened.
Countries like Greece, and for that matter Spain, are suffering from their ill-advised decision to give up their own currencies for the euro, which has left them vulnerable in a way that America just isn't.
So what is going on? The main answer is that this is what happens when you have a “deleveraging shock,” in which everyone is trying to pay down debt at the same time. Household borrowing has plunged; businesses are sitting on cash because there’s no reason to expand capacity when the sales aren’t there; and the result is that investors are all dressed up with nowhere to go, or rather no place to put their money. So they’re buying government debt, even at very low returns, for lack of alternatives. Moreover, by making money available so cheaply, they are in effect begging governments to issue more debt. It’s simply crazy to be laying off schoolteachers and cancelling infrastructure projects at a time when investors are offering zero- or negative-interest financing.
美元指數(USDX,通過計算美元和對選定的一攬子貨幣的綜合的變化率,來衡量美元的強弱程度)走勢圖,美元指數編制之後的26年間,走強的過程只有7年,剩餘19年都是貶值的。從幅度上看,26年間,美元指數從129點到現在的78點,貶值幅度高達 40%。這意味著,美國實際債務的40%已經在不知不覺中“賴”掉了。不僅如此,因為國際大宗商品用美元計價和結算,所以美元貶值會使大宗商品價格暴漲,如此算來,美元債務的持有國所持有的美元儲備已經失去了遠遠高於40%的購買力。
美元貶值造成, 它國出口業者獲利衰退, 美國出口業者競爭力大增, 由於失業率高, 所以不怕通膨過高, 反而形成溫和通膨, 以美元計價的債物可因收入增加逐漸減少(或因扁值擺脫美債),
美國13.5萬億的債務大部分是由中國和其他國家持有的? 岡德拉奇指出﹐中國的持有美國債務在其中所佔的比例不到10%。美國的負債多半都是國內的債務:美國個人和機構持有42.1%﹐社保信托基金持有17.7%﹐軍隊退休基金持有6%﹐以及其他機構。
美元優勢 - 20120729
For years, allegedly serious people have been issuing dire warnings about the consequences of large budget deficits — deficits that are overwhelmingly the result of our ongoing economic crisis. In May 2009, Niall Ferguson of Harvard declared that the “tidal wave of debt issuance” would cause US interest rates to soar. In March 2011, Erskine Bowles, the co-chairman of President Obama’s ill-fated deficit commission, warned that unless action was taken on the deficit soon, “the markets will devastate us,” probably within two years. And so on.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the predicted fiscal crisis: instead of soaring, US borrowing costs have fallen to their lowest level in the nation’s history. And it’s not just America. At this point, every advanced country that borrows in its own currency is able to borrow very cheaply.
Investors are willing to pay more to buy “inflation-protected bonds" than the amount, adjusted for inflation, that the government will eventually pay in interest and principal.So investors are, in a sense, offering governments free money for the next 10 years; in fact, they’re willing to pay governments a modest fee for keeping their wealth safe.
One favorite is the claim that the Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates artificially low by buying government bonds. But that theory was put to the test last summer when the Fed temporarily suspended bond purchases. Many people — including Bill Gross of the giant bond fund Pimco — predicted a rate spike. Nothing happened.
Countries like Greece, and for that matter Spain, are suffering from their ill-advised decision to give up their own currencies for the euro, which has left them vulnerable in a way that America just isn't.
So what is going on? The main answer is that this is what happens when you have a “deleveraging shock,” in which everyone is trying to pay down debt at the same time. Household borrowing has plunged; businesses are sitting on cash because there’s no reason to expand capacity when the sales aren’t there; and the result is that investors are all dressed up with nowhere to go, or rather no place to put their money. So they’re buying government debt, even at very low returns, for lack of alternatives. Moreover, by making money available so cheaply, they are in effect begging governments to issue more debt. It’s simply crazy to be laying off schoolteachers and cancelling infrastructure projects at a time when investors are offering zero- or negative-interest financing.