Good News - 開工率爬升但銷售下降庫存增加

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「…北市府建管處表示,停獎制度早已過時,北市府已提出停獎落日條款;目前法令規定停獎容積上限為全部樓地板面積的20%,落日條款若通過,3年後,每年將減少5%獎勵容積,6年後停獎完全廢止。…」               2009.10.14蘋果日報

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    工商時報 【記者薛孟杰/台北報導】

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Protfolio分布太集中而產業受景氣影響大,例如:翔名港建均屬於設備股,雖然一個是位於半導體產業,一個是位於PCB產業,但還是同步受到法人調節而大受影響。當跌破Stop Loss Line一定要進行停損,千萬不可以貪心,因為下檔有時也未必是你想像得到的,尤其在Downturn時要格外小心,千萬不要賭運氣,例如港建!

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By Barclays Wealth Insights

Family businesses possess certain attributes that could mean they are well positioned to survive and even thrive in a downturn. Respondents to our survey who represent family businesses perceive a long-term perspective to be among the most important advantages of the family business model. They also exhibit greater risk aversion and are less motivated by money than other wealthy individuals in the survey. In combination, these traits can lead to a conservative financial and business strategy which, while it is rarely favoured during boom years, comes into its own when the economy enters a downturn. A methodical and careful approach, it seems, can lead to sustainable success. 

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By Anna-Louise Jackson and Anthony Feld
From Jul 15, 2011 5:02 AM PT

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By 2011/07/15 07:39:51
From 埃裡克﹒傑克森(美國哥倫比亞大學戰略管理博士)

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(1) 日本大地震,渡邊太太先強力收回資金以便安頓家庭,所以瞬間狂升,後來外資撤離,又狂貶。

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盤中受到新加坡Q2 GDP轉負向以及 CreditSwiss看衰半導體尤其封測,市場大為緊張。

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By July 12, 2011, 6:00 am

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