- Dec 10 Sat 2011 12:23
Why does UK reject EU deal on fiscal discipline?
From Financial Times
- Dec 09 Fri 2011 08:41
希臘違約劇高潮迭起 - Part III
- Dec 08 Thu 2011 23:27
- Dec 07 Wed 2011 08:56
Kodak's long fade to black
- Dec 06 Tue 2011 11:25
凌巨 -- 20111231
- Dec 04 Sun 2011 21:58
- Dec 04 Sun 2011 21:40
一詮 -- 20111231
一詮 償債能力
2011Q3 2011Q2 2011Q1 2010Q4
2011Q3 2011Q2 2011Q1 2010Q4
- Dec 01 Thu 2011 21:55
HTC -- 20111230
「宏達電從一開始,就在打一場不對稱的戰爭,對手都是諾基亞、摩托羅拉這些企業巨人,」宏達電行銷長王景弘強調,台灣市場小,沒有主場優勢必須在劣勢的客場下打仗,是宏達電的宿命。HTC品牌計畫第一階段,是開始在手機上打上HTC品牌名;而第二階段,則是以「quietly brilliant」(謙和智慧)為核心,開始向全球消費者溝通品牌精神。目前的第三階段,則是將要在既有的品牌識別基礎上,朝「全方位品牌管理」方向發展。
- Dec 01 Thu 2011 08:58
Overnight Index Swaps 【OIS】
Overnight Index Swaps (OIS) are interest rate swaps based on a specific currency that exchanges fixed rate interest payments for floating rate payments based on a notional swap principal at regular intervals over the life of the swap contract. The floating rate is based on a specified published index of the daily overnight rate for the OIS currency. For swaps based on the United States dollar (USD), the referenced floating rate is the daily effective federal funds rate.