China called on US multinationals on Tuesday to lobby the Obama administration against taking protectionist measures over the Chinese currency, just as attitudes towards China appear to be hardening in the US ­Congress.

“China’s currency manipulation would be unacceptable even in good economic times. At a time of 10 per cent unemployment, we will simply not stand for it,” Mr Schumer said.

The Renminbi's politicised pathChina’s pledge last week to “further push ahead with reform of the renminbi exchange rate formation” was its strongest commitment to flexibility since the new dollar peg was put in place in July 2008. It may imply, notes Citic Securities, a desire to adopt a “basket, band and crawl” policy, similar to Singapore’s, where the currency is managed against an undisclosed group of currencies, floating within a set band, to achieve a targeted appreciation or depreciation within a specified timeframe. If so, great.

Meantime, the Obama administration should leave it to Brazil, Russia and other emerging nations – where China’s shipments should overtake those to the three big developed markets this year, on CICC estimates – to make the argument for revaluation in public.

If the US really wants a stronger renminbi, the best advice is to shut up, and let it happen.

Those countries would have nearly a year to adjust the value of their currency before the US administration was required to bring a case against them at the World Trade Organisation, according to the proposal. The Treasury would also have to “consult” the Federal Reserve and other central banks about “remedial intervention in currency markets”.

Some measures could be taken earlier, including forbidding Chinese companies from participating in US government contracts, requesting an International Monetary Fund consultation with China, and including currency undervaluation as part of dumping calculations. Mr Schumer and Mr Graham have been leading the charge in Congress against China’s currency policy for several years, and have periodically presented similar proposals.

But their efforts may have gained fresh impetus on the back of a recent flare-up in tensions between Beijing and Washington on issues including currency.




2010-03-17  By The Economist print edition


而 在中國方面,即使近期出口強勁成長,通膨也高於預期,北京政府仍然沒有顯現太多讓步的跡象。人民幣儘快停止緊盯美元,對中國與全世界都有益。有了 更強勢、更具彈性的人民幣,控制通膨和資產泡沫會變得更容易。人民幣升值會使民眾的購買力增加,並減少製造業過度投資,也有助中國經濟轉向國內消費。此 外,全球復甦會更為穩定,特別是亞洲新興經濟體的貨幣也有可能伴隨人民幣升值。



在20國高峰會 (G20)舉行前夕,中國人行昨晚宣布「重啟匯改機制」,美國財長蓋特納立即發表「歡迎」聲明,讓人以為人民幣似乎就此即將升值。不過,觀察人行動作和文 句,「天底下沒有一個央行會笨到主動向外界說明貨幣要升值」,人行的宣示,只是提前釋放國際間排山倒海而來的壓力、滿足美國年底選前的選情壓力,進而舒緩 大陸日益創高的通膨隱憂。

就中國現今立場,人民幣到底會不會升、 能升多少? 可能只能「聽其言、觀其行」,由實際數字來看,才能了解中國人行的真正用意了。


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